Sonovia, an Israel-based anti-microbial fabric producing company claimed to have developed a face mask, which is proven to neutralize 99.34% of bacteria, fungi and viruses including Novel Corona Virus. They claimed that this mask is eco-friendly and is washable at least 55 times.
Figure: Sonovia, an Israel-based anti-microbial fabric producing company claimed to have developed a face mask, which is proven to neutralize 99.34% of bacteria, fungi and viruses including Novel Corona Virus. Courtesy: Sonovia
The startup company said that the fabric used in this mask is infused with Zinc Oxide nanoparticles; so that, besides germ killing property, it ensures the durability of the mask. This anti-pathogen technology used in the fabric is expected to be a mass addition to medical, textile, and related areas.
According to Jason Migdal, a British scientist employed in Sonovia, the mask can provide double-sided protection. He said, it is worth buying; though, the retail price is around £52.
After more than seven years of the development process, the company came across the success of the mask. They followed more than a single lab test to ensure the mask's revolutionary performance. One of the recent test results showed that the mask can eliminate traces of SARS-COV-2 in 30 minutes after making contact with the fabric.
"Following this outstanding result – the product of several months of dedicated anti-viral sonochemistry formulation – we can now assure the public that our SonoMask is working continuously, permanently and rapidly to neutralize the spread of COVID-19," said Sonovia's Chief Executive Officer Joshua Hershcovici.
This initiative attracted so many B2B businesses. In Germany, the USA, and Italy, they created a client base already. Additionally, GlobalNPD, the distributor of SonoMask in the UK, has launched the mask in the market. Leading fashion brands like Gucci, Chanel and Adidas are sharing with them the working on the Fashion for Good Plug and Play accelerator project. They invested $250,000 for innovation.
Sonovia's Chief Technology Officer Liat Goldhammer said, "We see our breakthrough technology transforming our everyday life, implemented in all textiles surrounding us: from the clothes we wear to the textiles in our home, the textiles in our public spaces, in public transportation and of course as a protective measure in the workplaces & medical institutes – in a manner that ensures safer surroundings during these unusual times."